VERY IMPORTANT: YOU SHOULD NOT USE THE APP WHILE PERFORMING ANY ACTIVITY. .YOU MAY FALL DOWN.SUPERBRAIN PROGRAMS - BLOCK 5 (INDUCTIONS AND SOUNDS):PROGRAM C-01 (P-38) INCREASE PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCEPROGRAM C-02 (P-13) ACHIEVING SUPER CONCENTRATIONPROGRAM C-03 (P-14) OVERCOMING IMPOTENCE OR FRIGIDITYPROGRAM C-04 (P-48) COMBAT STRESSPROGRAM C-05 (P-08) LOSE WEIGHT WITH MENTAL CONTROLPROGRAM C-06 (P-24) MATERIALIZE DESIRESPROGRAM C-07 (P-22) OVERCOME SHYNESSPROGRAM C-08 (P-48) COMBATING MICHAELSPROGRAM C-09 (P-14) HEALING BY THE MINDPROGRAM C-10 (P-39) QUIT SMOKINGPROGRAM C-11 (P-37) COMBAT INSOMNIAPROGRAM C-12 (P-13) INCREASE MEMORYIMPORTANT NOTE OF REQUIRED READINGIt is proven that this type of stimulating programs do not create any dependency. If you dont have the time to do two sessions a day, doing one also works, but it will take longer to get results.These programs should not be used by people with a HISTORY OF EPILEPTIC. Use by these people could cause an epileptic seizure. If it happens, there is no danger, at the first symptoms remove the headphones or stop the program.Its use is not recommended for people who suffer from cardiac pathologies or who suspect they are pregnant.PROGRAM CONCEPTIt is the result of combining a series of frequencies during a certain period of time. Depending on the structure and value of the frequencies and the time during which they are emitted, different effects will occur.The SUPERBRAIN system is made up of 48 programs, divided into 4 applications, plus 18 self-help programs in another 2.Example: Deep relaxation program. The synthesizer begins to output a normal high activity frequency. Progressively the frequency decreases until it reaches the target frequency of 8 Hz (low Alpha waves), which corresponds to a deeper state of relaxation.STIMULATION MODE CONCEPTSThe multifunctional oscillator emits acoustic signals following four different codes. We will call each one “stimulation mode”.These stimulation modes are combined throughout the program with complex and studied structures, with the aim of increasing or decreasing the intensity of stimulation in certain places of the cerebral cortex; In this way the effects of the program are optimized.FOUNDATION OF THE SYSTEMRobert Monroe, devised the HEMISINC METHOD: (Synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres through sounds). When a pure tone is emitted, the brain resonates when it receives certain wave frequencies, synchronizing with them. This effect is known as FFR (frequency tracking response).Using stereo headphones, sound signals are sent separately to each ear, for example 2 signals, one 300 and the other 304 Hz. In one ear you will hear only the 300 Hz signal and the other only the 304 signal. Since the sounds are combined within the brain, it will hear a third signal of 4 Hz, which is the difference between the two sound impulses.This third signal is not an audible sound, but an electrical signal that can only be created by the cerebral hemispheres acting in unison, and can go unnoticed, resulting in the two hemispheres focusing simultaneously on the same state of consciousness, increasing thus brain power.USEUse with headphones, whether sitting in an armchair or lying in bed. It is important to do it in a quiet room, without noise and, if possible, with soft lighting.It is essential to read the user manual before using the app.OBSERVATIONS: The effects of this application with hypnotic images and sound ultimately have a subjective component. Each individual has peculiarities and the experience can vary considerably from one to another.